Sargent Notes
Sunday, May 22, 2016

John Singer Sargent, Simplon Pass: Chalets, about 1909-1911, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, iphoto of notebook cover
I am writing this in a notebook that has on the cover of it a part of a Sargent water color. It's of a house, gray and brown mingled in the wash, with a roof speckled and dashed with white. An ordinary small mountain house, to which a stone wall in the shape of an S rises.

Watercolor is a medium in which it is easy to lose the structures of things, but here everything has the shape that is proper to it because it does not wish to be otherwise. They are what they are, the house, the green slopes, the rising S of the wall, the gray sky. They do not blame or advise.

I think Sargent thought that, for an artist, it is good to be sketching. That is how to be a house, considering and calm, between the hill and the sky, how to follow and care for a wall of long stone dashes, rising in the shape of an S.

Watercolor is a medium in which it is easy to lose the structures of things, but here everything has the shape that is proper to it because it does not wish to be otherwise. They are what they are, the house, the green slopes, the rising S of the wall, the gray sky. They do not blame or advise.

I think Sargent thought that, for an artist, it is good to be sketching. That is how to be a house, considering and calm, between the hill and the sky, how to follow and care for a wall of long stone dashes, rising in the shape of an S.